Virtual Resilient High Availability Contact Centers

MiContact Center offers affordable, reliable options to ensure business continuity in the event of a network outage or hardware failure.

Resiliency and High Availability Ensure Business Continuity

  • ACD Resiliency
    In the event of a controller or network failure, IP phones will seamlessly re-register with a secondary  MiVoice Business communications platform, and continue to receive calls. Even calls in progress continue without interruption.
  • High Availability
    MiContact Center Enterprise Edition can be run on active and stand-by servers, leveraging clustering technology to ensure failover and eliminate downtime if the primary server fails or is taken offline for maintenance.

Virtual Contact Centers – Leverage Agents Anywhere

MiContact Center solutions allow you to easily deploy and manage a virtual contact center to achieve superior customer service, effective resource utilization, and business continuity. With a virtual contact center you can:

  • Route calls to the best skilled agents regardless of their location
  • Evenly distribute calls among agents in a specific agent group, regardless of location
  • Effectively consolidate resources and eliminate the need for all types of skills to be staffed at all call centers.
  • Deliver “follow the sun” applications with multiple call centers to service all time zones around the clock
  • Support work-at-home agents
  • Avoid costly employee relocations
  • Ensure business continuity in the event of natural disasters or network outages